29 Jul Rapid EV Charger for Brand New Lidl Store in Belfast
EasyGo helps the EV drivers of Belfast charge up while they shop.
The newly reopened brand new Lidl store on Shore Road, Belfast recently went through a £4 million refurbishment and was back open on 21st July after nine month spent completely revamping it from the ground up.
The new store has been built to Lidl’s award-winning ‘concept’ design which prioritises sustainability and energy efficiency with a range of environmentally-friendly features including an EasyGo 50kW rapid DC electric vehicle charging point and ISO 50001-certified Energy Management System. The 150kWp solar PV system installed will allow Lidl to generate the electricity needs for the store’s operation.
50kW DC Rapid Charger
The new EV charger installed is one of our latest state-of-the-art 50kW DC rapid chargers which can add 60-70 miles of range to an EV in 15-20 minutes. This will certainly help those electric vehicle drivers top up their battery and add some substantial range in a short period of time while shopping instore.
This is our first EasyGo DC charger in Northern Ireland and in a great location only a few minutes off the M2 Fortwilliam Roundabout, so great for both local drivers and those passing through Belfast on longer journeys. As EasyGo plan to install more EV chargers across Northern Ireland, it comes at a time when NI has been lagging far behind the rest of the UK in terms of public charging infrastructure, especially with rapid chargers. The EV Association Northern Ireland (EVANI) have highlighted there are currently 1.1 rapid chargers per 100,000 of the population in NI compared to 6.7 in Wales, 8.8 in England and 14.2 in Scotland.
Available for all Electric Vehicles
This rapid charger is suitable for all makes and models of electric vehicles, with both CCS and ChAdeMO connections. Drivers can simply use the EasyGo App or Fob to Start/Stop the chargers with live availability and payment details on the App which is available to download on your smartphone on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
We are proud to continue our working relationship with Lidl Northern Ireland, supplying, installing and managing all their electric vehicle chargers and helping their customers become more environmentally aware and sustainable with exciting times ahead as we install more EV chargers in new Lidl stores opening in the near future.
We are continually evaluating ideal locations and sites all over Northern Ireland and to assist with the roll out we welcome enquiries from businesses who would like a charger supplied and installed! In particular:
- Retail / Shopping Outlets
- Forecourts / Garages
- Hotels
- Leisure & Tourist Locations
- Property Developers
If you own a suitable location or site and can make power available we would like to partner with you to install a charger for free and help you create more customers and revenue. Just fill in a short enquiry form here: