01 Sep EasyGo appointed to Design, Build and Operate the FASTER EV charger network in Northern Ireland
30th August 2023: Ulster University and East Border Region Ltd have announced the appointment of EasyGo, following a competitive public tender process to install and operate 24 rapid electric vehicle chargers at locations across the Belfast City Council, Ards and North Down Borough and Newry, Mourne and Down district council areas.
These new chargers will be installed as part of the FASTER Project which has received €6.4 million EU funding under the INTERREG VA programme. The project is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) to support the transition to electric vehicles and sustainable transport use across Western Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (Border Region). Match funding for the project has been provided by the Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland) and the Department for Transport (Republic of Ireland) and Transport Scotland.
Initial site visits for the new installations are already underway and chargers are expected to be operational in the coming weeks in what will be a welcome boost to the public charging network in Northern Ireland.

Launch at Newry Leisure Centre
Speaking about the appointment, Professor Neil Hewitt, Ulster University said;
Ulster University has been involved with the expansion of the EV charging network in Northern Ireland, through the FASTER project in conjunction with our N.I. Local Authority partners. Through this partnership we have identified a series car parks adjacent to leisure centres that have the accessibility, security, and electricity supply to facilitate one or more rapid charge points. We are now eager to deliver these charge points with our appointed contractor, EasyGo who will design, build and operate the network.
We are also delighted to confirm the appointment of Steven Clarke Consulting Ltd to provide project management support to Ulster University and EasyGo and we look forward to the successful delivery and completion of the FASTER project over the coming months.
Commenting on the appointment, Gerry Cash, Director, EasyGo, said;
“We look forward to working on this project to expand the EV fast charging network in Northern Ireland. We were the first EV charging network operator to deliver cross-border sterling and euro tariff collection capability with our UK and Irish apps (Easygo.ie and EasyGo.co.uk). We are also the first private provider on the island of Ireland to make public DC Chargers available. Once this project is complete, EasyGo will become the largest EV charging network in Northern Ireland.”

Launch at Newry Leisure Centre
With nearly 5,000 chargers available on our network across the island of Ireland, we pride ourselves on enabling fleet and private drivers travel and find convenient and dependable charging solutions to ensure sustainable transport becomes a reality.”
East Border Region Ltd, is the lead partner on the FASTER Project and Councillor Terry Andrews, Chairman, who is also Chair of Newry Mourne and Down District Council Sustainability and Environment Committee welcomed the appointment of the infrastructure provider for Northern Ireland saying;
“EBR is delighted to lead this innovative and genuinely cross border project which will see essential EV infrastructure installed in Ireland, the border counties and Scotland. Electric vehicles are an essential component of the strategy to reduce emissions and help improve local air quality. The FASTER project will undoubtedly contribute to this aim. We look forward to the rollout of the 24 N.I. rapid charge points and to working with Ards and North Borough Council, Belfast City Council, and EasyGo in the implementation phase of the project”
Further information about the FASTER Project can be found online now at www.fasterevcharge.com